The MBC Board Policy Manual


Miedema’s Board Consulting (MBC) Inc. tailors each process and Board Policy Manual so it is appropriate for the board and organization. MBC then follows up with training and support to ensure the Board Policy Manual produced will be used as it was designed.

Board Policy Manuals are MBC’s focus so your board will get the most up-to-date expertise possible. MBC combines the best ideas of over the last forty years of board governance theories with today’s proven best practices to create its  manuals. During the entire process, a practical, business lens is applied to ensure the Board Policy Manual is tailored to the needs of the specific organization and the board. No two boards and organizations are alike and therefore no two manuals will be the same. MBC’s Board Policy Manuals are also designed to be dynamic and change with the times. Best of all, MBC’s manual are meant to be brief so that all board members can be expected to read and understand them. The goal is a 15-20 page Board Policy Manual with the necessary supporting documents and forms that are needed by the board, board committees and management to keep on track.

Deliverables (designed around the Board’s needs, objectives and budget):

  • Individual training sessions with the Board Chair, Board Secretary and CEO
  • A Board Policy Manual that is compliant with standards set out by Imagine Canada and the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.
  • In addition to the manual, MBC builds in supporting documents such as committee terms of reference, board work plans, a regulatory compliance checklist, a new board member onboarding checklist, succession plans and board meeting/board member evaluation forms as needed by the board
  • An optional online portal for board members to access documents and to ensure the board is always referencing the latest version of documents
  • Optional legal review of the Board Policy Manual to confirm compliance with Articles, By-laws and legislation
  • Review/critique of existing governance structure and governance processes & procedures
  • Review and assessment of past agendas and minutes to maximize the benefit of the Board Policy Manual
  • Complimentary follow-up offered after one year to ensure any new board members have an opportunity to ask any questions that will help them to understand and utilize the Board Policy Manual


We’re here to help answer your questions. Whether your Board requires a completely new Board Policy Manual or would like an existing manual reviewed, we can help. We take great pride in using our expertise for you and look forward to hearing from you.